What makes or breaks Christmas?

2024-12-12T15:02:33+10:00November 29th, 2024|Business, Money|

What makes or breaks Christmas? The cost of living has eased over the past year but consumers are still under pressure. For business, planning is the key to managing Christmas volatility. The countdown to Christmas is on and we’re in the midst of a headlong rush to maximise any remaining opportunities before the Christmas lull. [...]

Contractor or employee?

2024-08-12T16:56:00+10:00February 12th, 2024|Business, People|

Contractor or employee? Just because an agreement states that a worker is an independent contractor, this does not mean that they are a contractor for tax and superannuation purposes, new guidance from the ATO warns. Where there is a written contract, the rights and obligations of the contract need to support that an independent contracting [...]

Bah humbug: The Christmas tax dilemma

2023-12-13T10:43:20+10:00December 5th, 2023|Business, Tax|

Bah humbug: The Christmas tax dilemma Don’t want to pay tax on Christmas? Here are our top tips to avoid giving the Australian Tax Office a bonus this festive season.  1. Keep team gifts spontaneous $300 is the minor benefit threshold for FBT so anything at or above this level will mean that your Christmas [...]

Cash injection for struggling businesses

2022-02-07T16:34:16+10:00February 7th, 2022|Business|

Cash injection for struggling businesses Businesses struggling with the Omicron wave of the pandemic have been offered new grants and support in NSW, SA and WA. New South Wales The NSW Small Business Support package provides eligible employing businesses with a lump sum payment of 20% of weekly payroll, up to a maximum of $5,000 [...]

PCR and RAT tests to be tax deductible, FBT free

2022-02-07T16:23:28+10:00February 7th, 2022|Business|

PCR and RAT tests to be tax deductible, FBT free The Treasurer has announced that PCR and rapid antigen tests (RAT) will be tax deductible for individuals and exempt from fringe benefits tax (FBT) for employers if purchased for work purposes. There has been confusion over the tax treatment of RAT tests with the Prime [...]

How to set up your Director ID

2021-11-17T12:22:19+10:00November 17th, 2021|Business|

How to set up your Director ID Directors are now required to register for a unique identification number that they will keep for life. What is a director ID? A director ID is a 15 digit identification number that, once issued, will remain with that director for life regardless of whether they stop being a [...]

Recruiting new employees? The 1 November superannuation rule changes

2021-10-07T12:22:58+10:00October 7th, 2021|Business, People, Super|

Recruiting new employees? The 1 November superannuation rule changes When your business hires a new employee, the Choice of Fund form is used to identify where they want their superannuation to be directed. If the employee does not identify a fund, generally the employer directs their superannuation into a default fund. From 1 November 2021, [...]

Unwinding COVID-19 Relief  

2021-10-07T12:16:38+10:00October 7th, 2021|Business, General News, Money, People|

Unwinding COVID-19 Relief COVID-19 support will roll back as states and territories reach vaccination targets. The National Plan, the road map out of COVID-19, does more than provide greater freedoms at 70% and 80% full vaccination rates, it withdraws the steady stream of Commonwealth financial support to individuals and business impacted by COVID-19 lockdowns and [...]

Mental Health Support for Business Owners

2021-10-07T12:13:23+10:00September 17th, 2021|Business, People|

Mental Health Support for Business Owners Running a business can be an isolating experience. And, with COVID-19 lockdowns and disruptions to trade, the pressure can be intense. NewAccess for Small Business Owners is a free and confidential mental health program developed by Beyond Blue to give small business owners the support they need. Whether you’re [...]

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