The ATO’s final position on risky trust distributions

2023-07-13T15:06:37+10:00February 24th, 2023|Uncategorized|

The ATO’s final position on risky trust distributions The ATO has released its final position on how it will apply some integrity rules dealing with trust distributions - changing the goal posts for trusts distributing to adult children, corporate beneficiaries, and entities with losses. As a result, many family groups will pay higher taxes because [...]

Is ‘downsizing’ worth it?

2023-07-13T15:06:12+10:00February 17th, 2023|Uncategorized|

Is ‘downsizing’ worth it? From 1 January 2023, those 55 and over can make a ‘downsizer’ contribution to superannuation. Downsizer contributions are an excellent way to get money into superannuation quickly. And now that the age limit has reduced to 55 from 60, more people have an opportunity to use this strategy if it suits [...]

Full throttle in 2023

2023-07-13T15:05:58+10:00February 10th, 2023|Uncategorized|

Full throttle in 2023 In a volatile market, keeping to a strategy, or let’s face it creating one, can be tough. The downside of not taking time out for your strategy is that there is a tendency to keep a short-term focus at an operational level to try and pick quick wins to generate financial [...]

How good is ChatGPT at tax?

2023-07-13T15:05:44+10:00February 3rd, 2023|Uncategorized|

How good is ChatGPT at tax? Not being paranoid or anything but we were curious about the skills of the latest innovation to take the world by storm, ChatGPT, and its ability to work with the Australian tax system. Let’s start by saying that we were impressed. Not so much by ChatGPT’s ability to work [...]

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