What would happen if….

2019-03-06T16:06:03+10:00January 12th, 2019|General News|

What would happen if…. Life does not always go to plan. While we logically know that, most of us don’t plan for the worst - it’s all a bit morbid and time consuming. The downside of not planning is the potential for hard earned assets to be squandered, family fall-outs, and money handed to the [...]

Tax on shares: ATO extends data matching program

2019-02-12T16:04:54+10:00January 7th, 2019|Tax|

Tax on shares: ATO extends data matching program The Australian Tax Office (ATO) is utilising data provided by the Australian Investments and Security Commission (ASIC) to data match share trades. The ATO is accessing more than 500 million records detailing price, quantity and time of individual trades dating back to 2014. The information complements information [...]

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